Growing up on the East Coast I had family fairly close to me almost all the time. Everyone at the time was always located at least within an hour from my family, except for my Aunt and Uncle in New Yok. With that being said holidays were always a time for tradition and family get togethers. Every Memorial Day and Labor Day we would spend the day in my Aunt and Uncle’s back yard having a cookout and of course playing croquet. However, since then family has moved, people have aged, I have moved and even gotten married. My husband and I are rarely home for holidays anymore therefore we do our own thing for most holidays. Now that we are located here in sunny California there are so many options around for things to do. It seems as if California offers something for everyone no matter what their interests are. Below are some of my top favorite things to do over Labor Day break.

US Sand Sculpting Challenge & Dimensional Art Expo

If you are an artist, or just want to be a kid again then gather a team and enter into the Sand Sculpting Expo. On the East Coast Sand Sculptures were always common to pass by on the boardwalk and they also always captivated me.

Labor Day Beach BBQ

Grab your friends and significant others, pack up a car or two and spend the day at the beach with each other soaking up some rays. Do not forget the food though!

Little Italy Stickball Tournament

Find a stick and join a team. An old home town sport of mine from the east coast hits the streets of Little Italy during Labor Day break.

Food Festival

Bring an appetite. Come hungry and leave stuffed. Going to a food festival is never a wrong idea!

Plan A Staycation

There is always a ton of travelers during all holidays. Why not unwind and stay in town for a staycation while everyone else is traveling to other places. Best part is you do not have to deal with the traffic.

Unwind on a Pool Float

Float around a pool with a drink in your hand but take a dip when the rays get too hot.

Of course, there are plenty of other things to do on Labor Day if these are not up your alley, like going to a bar crawl, or listening to the concert series at Del Mar Fair ground. Either way, with whatever you choose to do for Labor Day comment below and let me know what you plan to do!


The House of O Domnaill
